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发布时间:2021-04-21 21:30:10




自2021 年4月21日起,揭阳市根据“知情、自愿、自费、风险自担”原则,启动我市外籍人士适龄人群接种国产新冠病毒疫苗(上市阶段)工作。







Foreign nationals can apply for COVID-19 vaccination in Jieyang

On April 21, 2021, Jieyang will start COVID-19 vaccination for foreign nationals subject to local age eligibility restrictions, following the principle of being well-informed, signing up voluntarily, self-funded and assuming personal responsibility for risks.

Foreign nationals in Jieyang who want to be vaccinated on a voluntary basis will need to register online through the Yuejiantong WeChat service platform and choose The Third People’s Hospital of Jieyang for vaccination. Jieyang currently uses domestically-developed inactivated COVID-19 vaccines, and two doses are required for the entire course. Foreign nationals who have already participated in the social security and medical insurance of Guangdong Province can bring their social security card and share the same treatment as other Chinese citizens. For those who have not participated in the social security and medical insurance of Guangdong Province, they will be vaccinated at their own expense – the cost is 100 yuan per dose.

Foreign nationals who wish to be vaccinated can make an appointment through the Yuejiantong WeChat service platform (scan the QR code below). After the appointment is successfully made, foreign nationals can bring their permanent residence ID card or their passport with the valid residence permit and social security card and go to the designated site at the appointed time for vaccination. Before taking vaccine, foreign nationals should sign both a form of informed consent and a statement of bearing personal responsibility for all risks associated with vaccination. Please take necessary precautions and inform the vaccine giving personnel of your health condition so that they can decide whether you can take vaccine. If you show any discomfort symptoms 14 days after vaccination, please go to the hospital.

The Yuejiantong WeChat Service Platform QR Code is available below:


The Service Hotline of The Third People’s Hospital of Jieyang is18922685065.

Jieyang Foreign Affairs Bureau

April 20, 2021

